Thursday, 7 November 2013

Week 6

Seminar Presentation

Technology Enhanced Learning

It is the improvement of learning support with the help of information and communication technologies.

TEL aims to design, develop and test socio-technical innovations than can improve learning of both individuals and organizations, especially using digital technologies

Formal Settings

Learners are involved in a learning process which is pre-defined by teachers within a specific curriculum for achieving a particular accreditation from educational institutions like University, College or School.

Informal Settings

Learners are participated in daily life activities related to work, family or leisure, and are responsible for their own learning pace and path, it dose not lead to a specific accreditation.

Other Learning Technologies

Mobile Leaning: Mobile helps in learning when learners are waiting for public transport or in airport lounges, in free time between lectures, and travelling to and from school on the bus.

Context aware Ubiquitous: A system is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant information and/or services to the user, where relevancy depends on the user’s task.

A context aware ubiquitous learning (U-Learning) environment provides such a learning scenario that individual students are guided to learn in a real-world situation with supports or instructions from a computer system, using a mobile device to access the digital content via wireless communications; in the meantime, the learning system is able to detect and record the learning behaviors of the students in the real-world and virtual world with the help of the sensor technology 

Virtual Reality: Virtual learning Environments (VLE) are computer-based environments that are relatively open systems, enabling interactions, and encounters with other learners and providing access to a wide range of resources

VLEs can supplement face-to-face teaching methods, or totally replace these teaching methods in the case of distance learning

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